A NEW CAFE opened in town last week, and one of the owners is an old Tuesday night football acquaintance of P's, who has opened the place with his partner, who moved up from London. It's in the centre of the village, in the place another café used to be, and they're planning on serving "typical café fare", including speciality coffee and tea, and using locally sourced produce.
ON SUNDAY morning, I ate the worst breakfast of my life. We'd left the house just after 8:30 in the morning for a burdensome road trip that would take us five hours south for business. It was an unpleasant obligation, a necessary evil, even, but the drive up was fun, just the two of us. That is, until we pulled over at a Services along the way, somewhere near Sheffield, and stopped for what would be the worst breakfast ever.
THIS WEEKEND we watched Aftersun, the 2022 drama written and directed by Charlotte Wells, starring Paul Mescal, Frankie Corio and Celia Rowlson-Hall. We talked about it for quite a while after it was over, analysing what it could mean, discussing our own interpretations, processing the feeling of sadness it left in us afterward. It's about memory⏤more specifically, our memories of those we love after they are gone, the people we remember them as, sometimes as opposed to how they really were.
I SOMETIMES wonder what happened to all the people who asked me for directions. Despite not ever really knowing where I’m going (or sometimes even where I am), I am often asked for directions, especially in cities that don’t belong to me, sometimes even moments after I’ve just arrived. Perhaps some of them are still driving around, taking the wrong turns that I inadvertently sent them on.
THE NEW OVEN was delivered last week, and it's been sitting in the middle of the kitchen for days, as P thought he might get electrocuted if he installed it himself after watching one too many Youtube videos advising the hiring of a qualified electrician if you don't know what you're doing. I had a feeling it wasn't as complicated as he was making it out to be, but we tried to ask around anyway to see if anyone knew any electricians who could do it on short notice ...
P AND I WERE caught up in a long conversation about AI this weekend, and it's something that has also been mentioned here at TIG quite a bit lately. He is an early adopter for most things, while I can be a nostalgist⏤not because I don't love technology (I do), but because I can be a bit sentimental sometimes.
ON SATURDAY we were out celebrating something special and about 10 to 15 minutes into searching for new vinyl at the record shop, I reached into my coat pocket to reply to my sister’s text and realised that my brand new phone wasn’t there. I had left it on an outside table the tapas bar where we’d just had patatas bravas and we were a ways off by now. I found P happily browsing in the electronic section and told him what had happened. His first words were, It’s gone.
Sunday Best is a brand new feature here at TIG that we plan on making a recurring one. Each Sunday, we will bring you a cross-section of interesting articles, links, ideas, music, culture, and anything else we think might be interesting or entertaining⏤the perfect supplement to your Sunday and one we hope you will add to your routine.
P SENDS me texts such as How much bay leaf (I was making refrigerator pickles) or Do you want a mini quiche when he's out picking up bits and pieces at the shops. I love these texts, with their lack of punctuation and misspellings, because they very much showcase how he prefers to get things done, and get them done quickly, rather than worry about the small details when he knows I'll know what he means.
WE'VE BEEN in hibernation mode for the past few weeks now, many cups of coffee on chilly mornings, cashmere sweaters and puffer vests and tall leather boots making regular rotations on these wet, windy days. All is cosy indoors though, with candles and lamplight and there's something about autumn weather that's perfect for staying in and getting a lot of work done without being lured outside by sunshine and good weather. These days lend themselves to productivity and organisation and watching old films when the work is done ...
JUST FOUND OUT about Joanna Goddard (A Cup of Jo)'s divorce today and was completely shocked. She has been running her site for nearly as long as TIG and Alex has been a part of the narrative for as long as can remember. Thirteen and a half years and two children later, and it's all over. Began making a tally of all the bloggers I knew of who were now divorced and it's a lot. Occupational hazard? Perhaps.
TOMORROW is already the last day of the first month of this brand new year⏤how has your new year been so far? Have you been a whirlwind of new goals and accomplishments, or have you been having trouble getting motivated? Tomorrow is also the day that a new phone and tablet are set to arrive, just one part of some life admin tasks getting crossed off the list.
THERE IS an axiom that states something to the effect of: Be careful with your words when you're with others, and with your thoughts when you're alone. It's not on my list of resolutions this year, but it might as well be, as these words are something have been thinking about quite a bit lately. In fact, one of the resolutions that didn't make the list this year was to go easier on myself, which is very nearly the same thing.
THIS WEEKEND was a working one, as we have the first part of a brand collaboration due in the next few days and the second due at the beginning of next week. There has been creative direction and storyboarding, photoshoots, styling and editing.
WE JUST DEACTIVATED the TIG Twitter account a moment ago after thinking about it for awhile. It seemed like a good way to remove a bit of chaos from our lives while we figure out the best direction to go from here, and we might even get a little time back from our mornings ...