Five Things We Loved this Week | Vol. 01 No. 05

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Five Things We Loved this Week | Vol. 01 No. 05FIVE – These baby penguins @natgeo, who say, “They look adorable, but these emperor penguin chicks are hardy survivors as well. They are just a few weeks old, and yet they are already spending time on Antarctic sea ice without parents hovering over them constantly. When their parents go to sea to find food for their offspring, chicks gather in groups and together they go out exploring their surroundings, as they are doing here. When it gets cold they huddle together, just like their parents do when conditions are really extreme. But the lives of these penguins and of multitudes of marine life around Antarctica have just been given an extraordinary gift: The largest marine protected area (MPA) in the world—covering 600,000 square miles—has just been declared in the Ross Sea off Antarctica. We are joyous!” | photo by @FransLanting via @natgeo

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