Portuguese designer ANA RITA RAMOS originally trained in interior design and even taught classes on the subject at the ESAD College of Art and Design in her hometown, Porto. Along the way, however, Ramos found herself “surrounded by other interests, such as fashion, photography and art direction. Working in these areas helped me understand that, even though I studied design, that doesn’t need to define my professional path”.
One of these other interests was exploration of digital illustration, and the result is the Black Edition, a series of animated illustrations, or “motion collages”, as she calls them, monochrome compositions created by assembling found images with drawn elements, set as GIF animations to bring the scenes to life.
“I always liked Arts on its own. I like to spend time on museums and I’m always looking for new artists and creatives that turn out to be an inspiration in what I’m going to do next. And, also, I like to push myself to do things that I could never thought I would do some day.
This project is exactly that. I created some collages, but I didn’t want them to be static. In my mind they should show or give some sensation of movement and even senses. So, I create motion collages inspired by what nature makes us feel when we are in touch with it.”
Today, Ramos is an enthusiast not only about Interior Design itself, but also about Graphic Design, Spatial Design, Photography and Editorial/Styling, declaring herself an “eclectic creative with interdisciplinary abilities”.