Ross From Friends has signed to Brainfeeder, with new film ‘Aphelion’ EP incoming. The producer is part of a wave of underground talent loosely bracketed as lo-fi house, and has previously worked with labels such as Breaker Breaker, Lobster Theremin, and Magic Wire.
THERE IS A LINE in Ernest Hemingway's A Moveable Feast that says, “When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest”, and that is how we're feeling at this very moment, after a walk in the palm-tree laden jardins ...
IF YOU'RE LOOKING for a place less ordinary to have a cup of coffee, try Host Café in London. Housed inside a functioning church, St Mary Aldermary, the sublime grandeur of this café is unlike any you've visited before.
The other day while searching for a place to have tea, we stumbled upon a beautiful hotel situated a few steps away from the beautiful Opera de Paris, the Palais Garnier: l’InterContinental Paris le Grand. Also called l’hôtel des voyageurs, l’InterContinental Paris le Grand was originally built for the Exposition Universelle of 1867. The building has long welcomed intellectuals and travelers from around the world, which famously include Victor Hugo, Emile Zola and Oscar Wilde.
It’s a brand new year, and we’re excited to introduce a brand New Series: 5 Words to Learn this Month, where each month we find five beautiful words from any language, that you may or may not have heard before and present them with their sometimes poignant, sometimes insightful or even melancholic, sometimes even newly created (as in this first intalment), but always beautiful meanings. This month, the words are Venmödalen, Sonder, Liberosis, Nodus Tollens, Kenopsia and Opia. Click through to view …
ONE OF THE THINGS we’re most often asked about is where we find inspiration, and the answer is never a simple one, for inspiration is everywhere. It’s at the art gallery on a Tuesday morning, just after coffee; it’s in a holiday shop window ...