The muffled screams escaped through the narrowly cracked window and into the frigid winter afternoon air. That’s what drew attention to the blue pickup truck, otherwise inconspicuous in the grocery store’s side lot.
PARIS - Karl Lagerfeld passed away on the morning of Tuesday, February 19, 2019. He was 85. The extraordinary life of the designer, photographer and creative director is widely known. Here are a few highlights in this compilation of photos, moments, and quotations in memoriam of the late great design icon.
ONE A BRIGHT sunny Saturday in May, Prince Harry, 33, and American television actress Meghan Markle, 36, were married in a lively ceremony at St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, Windsor, a town on the River Thames in southeast England, just west of London.
Ross From Friends has signed to Brainfeeder, with new film ‘Aphelion’ EP incoming. The producer is part of a wave of underground talent loosely bracketed as lo-fi house, and has previously worked with labels such as Breaker Breaker, Lobster Theremin, and Magic Wire.
The shift came at the end of 1973. The quarter-century before then, starting around 1948, saw the most remarkable period of economic growth in human history. In the Golden Age between the end of the Second World War and 1973, people in what was then known as the ‘industrialised world’ – Western Europe, North America, and Japan – saw their living standards improve year after year. They looked forward to even greater prosperity for their children. Culturally, the first half of the Golden Age was a time of conformity, dominated by hard work to recover from the disaster of the war. The second half of the age was culturally very different, marked by protest and artistic and political experimentation. Behind that fermentation lay the confidence of people raised in a white-hot economy: if their adventures turned out badly, they knew, they could still find a job.