IT IS A BLUSTERY SUNDAY and coloured leaves are whirling, dancing along the window panes and it’s cosy here, the scent of sandalwood and candlelight, and here, a few images of inspiration — of oysters and sequinned skirts and pretty fonts and watercolours, macarons and le weekend de chanel . . .
And after nine unexpected days in Paris, it's home again, home again, and thanks so very much for all the cards, notes, emails and texts -- so very, very thoughtful. And as you can imagine, there is so very much to catch up on after being away from work for so very long...
Hello again and hope you’re well, and please do excuse the very long and unexplained absence. Six days ago, were suddenly and immediately called to Paris by terribly sad news, landing in the golden and early evening of last Friday to even sadder news, and worse still in the early hours of Tuesday morning, resulting in the extension of our stay here, to Sunday.