The melting ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are climate change’s most dangerous Big Bad, capable of altering the very face of the planet. All the adaptation we could muster can’t hold back the 25 feet or so of sea level rise that Greenland alone could unleash, not to mention the couple hundred more locked up at the planet’s southern extreme.
There are many reasons not to read a book. One, because you don’t want to. Two, because you started reading, crawled to page 17, and gave up. Three, because the idea of reading never crosses your mind.
Amidst the gathering gloom about climate change and continuing growth in global greenhouse-gas emissions, the one bright spot appears to be clean energy development.
Wind was the first thing I heard in the morning, along with a door opening and closing as someone got up first and went out to use the outhouse. Sounds reached into my awareness through the fog of sleep. Then: the lighter button of the propane heater pressed, a metallic clang sounding at least twice until it caught. I heard the kettle being lit and muted footsteps on plywood. Someone was brewing coffee. The old, damp smell of socks and mold faded into the earthy scent of coffee.
TIME AGAIN for another instalment of 10 Things We Love this Week, and this week, there are the most astonishing sugar flowers atop beautiful cakes, feathery and fantastical couture creations, No. 01 on the list: these stunning Instagram shots, above, by Australian photographer Rhiannon Taylor of the Sujan Rajmahal Palace and Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur, India and much more...
THE LAST INSTALMENT OF PLACES featured the newly refurbished Lanesborough in London. Today, we wisk you away toBar Palladio, a European style...
betrothal -ˈtrō-thəl, -ˈtrȯ-, -thəl noun : a mutual promise or contract for a future marriage What greater love story could...
Rather synonymous with the beautifully hued and brisk autumn season is equestrian style — perhaps it is due to the...
Many of you were quite taken with and very inspired by the Taj Lake Palace in Udaipur, India and some...
. . . a day off to catch up on a few things and a moment to dream about the...