I recall having breakfast at a hotel in Brussels in 2017 and sitting across from Douglas Coupland, the author of Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, the 1991 book that gave my generation a sort of name that was really only a placeholder for a name. I wanted to tell him how much I resented him for this, but I couldn’t muster the courage to be disagreeable.
“Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction” at the Museum of Modern Art brings together more than 200 works done between 1905 and 1952—mainly paintings and drawings but also a film and related set designs—that may cause whiplash as you follow the artist’s snaking turns.
Take a break from the sanitised world of Instagram to immerse yourself in the never-before-seen early work of pioneering photographer Diane Arbus. The curated work at the MET covers the period from 1956-1962 in and around the boroughs of NYC as she develops her style of photographing the fringes of society.
This week’s At the Gallery features New York artist Jacob Hashimoto, who draws on his Japanese roots to create three dimensional structures that captivate spectators and...