. . . and it feels as if things were in a quiet lull, in that very small place in...
…my experience with palm trees extends from florida to barbados and st. lucia, but it has been a very long...
. . . dashing off to an appointment and a million other things today, but first, a few lovely glimpses...
. . . just a few beautiful photographs, on this hazy thursday, of the streets of san francisco; never seem to make it to the west coast — only once, a very long time ago . . .
If ever there were a fairytale, it would be Bruges . . . the sort of place only dreamt about in...
Imagine for a moment or two, sitting atop a tall, tall camel, as the sun’s intoxicating golden rays alight on a breeze that takes ahold of your hair and sets it sail . . .
. . . hello, hello! and it feels as if it has been ages since we last spoke, but...
. . . a favourite cousin has been planning to visit, but first, stopping off in paris, and while it...
. . . a few languide glimpses of our days and nights lately, of sunlit toile and winter fountains,...
The season of cheer is upon us — the season of twinkling lights and blazing fires, offset by brisk, dimmed days...
Sitting there, alone in a foreign country, far from my job and everyone I know, a feeling came over me....
A walk through the forest, a few turns on winding pathways, and there, there, you happen upon a feast for the...
. . . happened upon these photographs of paris late last week, and was immediately taken by their quiet elegance...
. . . a warm october night and we’re cosy by the fire in the country, for we shall take...
Lisbon, or Lisboa, meaning “serene harbour”, located on the river Tagus, is Europe’s second oldest capital. It is also considered...