Porches’ Aaron Maine released a new album, Ricky Music, at the beginning of the year right as lockdown started. This summer, he’s remixed Girlpool and helped out his bud Dev Hynes to remix Tame Impala, and today he’s back with a new song of his own, “I Miss That.”
Paris Women’s Spring 2021 ended on a rainy Tuesday (the 6th of October) after 8 days filled with digital and (still) physical shows. There wasn’t the same business and the same euphoria on the streets, but there was still hard work and creativity shared on the runways.
WE ARE BACK AT WORK, shooting for a client and the weather has happily been much more summer-like again, after days of cloud and rain. Amidst the marches and protests and worry about a second peak of the pandemic, shops reopened here, after long three months of lockdown ...
WE MISSED LAST week's links completely, for the first time in a very long time, if ever. The site was down for a couple of days due to technical difficulties, and the rest of the time we were having difficulty focusing on work or anything really, while the world was out en force, protesting the gruesome murder of George Floyd two weeks ago. It's difficult to put inspiration out into the world when you're feeling sad and overwhelmed ...
WE HAVE BEEN a little light on the articles this last week as we're in the midst of a few (all-consuming) projects, one of which has been revealed in the links below, and another that will be soon but is still in the finishing up phase, which, as you know, can drag on a bit ...
This year has begun with conversations on all the social platforms about age and and how to gracefully embrace ageing. Chanel ambassadrice, Caroline de Maigret, published her second book, Older, but Better, but Older, on this very topic ...
THIS WEEKEND, the weather warmed up enough to show us a glimpse of spring. All through the village, winter blossoms are blooming, a surprise to us, for we thought all the bright yellow petals on bushes nexts to garden paths and pink blossoms on the archways of trellises would wait for at least another few weeks.
IT'S THE FIRST WEEK of January, it's cold, blustery and the holidays are over. Some may find the first two months of the new year to feel rather long despite the days staying lighter a little longer each day. To help those who may find these months a little difficult, here are a few light and lovely things with pretty details that have been on our shopping list for a while now ...
IT'S OFFICIALLY WINTER and after the solstice, the days are happily beginning to get longer again. Of course, that doesn't mean there won't be dark mornings and chilly nights for the next few months, and after the holidays are over...