AWOKE ON SUNDAY morning believing that it was Monday, already in the sleepy morning cobwebs of my mind planning ambitiously, the week ahead before P let me know that it was Sunday. Immediately all thoughts of industry were forgotten and an easy, somnolent mood set back in. It's all mindset, you see, and for some inexplicable reason, I'd lost an entire day and gained it back again just in time to fully enjoy an "extra" day of the weekend
AT THE END of last week we went to Scotland to visit P’s grandmother for the first time in months due to the lockdown. It was wonderful to see her again, as well as neighbours who popped in, but we all continued to keep two meters apart and wore masks to every shop we visited ...
THERE IS A STORM on the way, very high winds, rain, and perhaps even snow tomorrow. At the moment, though, it is still up swirling about up north in Northern Ireland and Scotland and making its way down. Here, it feels as if we've been hibernating since the start of the new year, venturing out over the weekend only for a quick drink in the cosy pub ...
HERE IN THE UK, TODAY IS considered the first day back to work after the holidays. We were away to visit family in Scotland late last week, and spent the weekend lingering over festive things for the last time, so it's back to work for us today as well. On Sunday the weather was beautiful and we spent most of our time outdoors in the beautiful English countryside ...
HAPPY DECEMBER! It is scarily already the very last month of the year and it's rather shocking how quickly it all has gone. Of course, we made a major move half-way through the year, which may have made things seem to fly by more quickly, and have been spending the rest of the time caught up in a flurry of things―major projects and undertakings, new site and product launches and big plans for the new year ...
Recently, had told you about our trip from Spain to the south of France, Scotland and the English countryside in late May, early June. It was during this trip that we fell in love (again) with the countryside and thought it might be time to do something completely different than we've done before.
IN LATE MAY we went on holiday to the south of France for a few days, and then to Scotland for nearly a month. During that time, we ventured to England on day trips, and it was during this time that we fell absolutely in love with the English countryside and thought it might be fun to have a look at places that might be available in any one of the very quaint and utterly charming villages and towns we found along the way...
We've had the very good fortune of visiting the Scottish Highlands many times, but every time we find ourselves there, it is always equally breathtaking. For this reason, we've become completely captivated by Mango's Fall-Winter 2019 campaign, shot on location in the highlands...
IN THE MIDDLE of an actual hardcover book (after a long series already this year), but on a whim, decided to pick up the new Amazon Kindle Paperwhite this weekend, despite being an analog sort who still loves the feel of actual pages to turn and still uses notebooks and a pen everyday for to-do lists.
Here we are again at the beginning a brand new year. It seems everyone have spoken with is happy to leave the past year behind, for there were those in the throes of life transitions—be it a broken heart or career uncertainty, serious illnesses or loss, worries about the future and the state of the world in general.