First, let’s survey the situation. It’s as though the haze of our inner lives were being filtered through a screen of therapy work sheets. If we are especially online, or roaming the worlds of friendship, wellness, activism, or romance, we must consider when we are centering ourselves or setting boundaries, sitting with our discomfort or being present.
The Elle magazine article was a shocker. It went live a few days before Christmas and told a story of a journalist who lost her husband and her job because she fell in love with her source, who happened to be one of the most hated men on the planet, “Pharma Bro” Martin Shkreli. Why had Bloomberg News reporter Christie Smythe tossed away her “perfect little Brooklyn life” to pursue a seemingly doomed love affair with a sneering criminal known for jacking up medicine prices by 5,000 percent?
Throughout the eighties and nineties, even as he helped with the HeartMate and AbioCor, Frazier argued that engineers should shift from pulsatile pump designs to ones based on the more mechanically straightforward principle of “continuous flow”—the strategy that Bivacor later adopted. Some researchers argued that the circulatory system might benefit from the pulse; there’s evidence that blood-vessel walls expand in response to a quickening beat ...
Tolstoy was a moralist. He wrote one novel—Anna Karenina—in which infidelity ends in death, and another—War and Peace—in which his characters endure a thousand pages of political, military and romantic turmoil so as to eventually earn the reward of domestic marital bliss. In the epilogue to War and Peace we encounter his protagonist Natasha, unrecognizably transformed.
In computer science, the main outlets for peer-reviewed research are not journals but conferences, where accepted papers are presented in the form of talks or posters. In June, 2019, at a large artificial-intelligence conference in Long Beach, California, called Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, I stopped to look at a poster for a project called Speech2Face.
Texas lawyer, Rod Ponton, appeared in a Zoom hearing before Judge Roy Ferguson of Texas’s 394th judicial district in Presidio county, south-west Texas, trapped by a cat filter. He and his assistant scrambled to remove the filter as the judge offered tips and straight-faced incredulity while the lawyer confirmed that he "was not a cat". Ponton was using his secretary’s computer when the incident occurred.
Released October 2, 2020. We are pumped about this FULL LENGTH album from the dance-beat maestro of fun The Polish Ambassador! Put on your yellow onesie space suit, folks, and comfy shoes (or none at all) and let’s get groovin. Try out the first track and we’re going to venture to say you might get hooked. This one’s called “Time’s Running In” and is fully bodied at 12 tracks.
RATHER THAN beginning my mornings with a book as usual, have been beginning them instead, with the Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at John Hopkins University (JHU) map, a far less pleasant way to begin the day, but given the current state of things, necessary
One of the few mercies during this crisis is that, by their nature, individual coronaviruses are easily destroyed. Each virus particle consists of a small set of genes, enclosed by a sphere of fatty lipid molecules, and because lipid shells are easily torn apart by soap, 20 seconds of thorough hand-washing can take one down.