IT WAS A chilly, rainy, blustery weekend and we’ve become very disenchanted with winter now. It’s true that the longer days make everything a little better, but it still feels like spring is a long way off, despite all the pink magnolia buds on the trees and beautiful falling cherry blossoms.
AT THE TIME of writing, Lockdown 3.0 has been announced in England for the foreseeable future, signalling an abrupt end to the holiday season that lasted a little longer than past years, simply because the new year fell on a Friday morning. We decided that we might as well begin work again today rather than on the first of January as other years ...
THIS WEEKEND we put up the Christmas lights and watched The Holiday with wine and popcorn. Yes, it might be a little soon, but this year needed cheering up, so we're beginning early. We're also wrapped up in the holiday mayhem that comes with tracking down missing packages and making sure everyone receives everything on time and are in the midst of beginning a brand new ...
THIS WEEKEND we watched Sofia Coppola's new film, On the Rocks, and on Sunday, ordered a Sunday roast takeaway from the pub up the street, since we've stopped going to pubs a few weeks ago now, after the numbers of covid cases began climbing again. It's unsettling times and everything seems up in the air, but we're both extremely resilient and used to going with the flow and adapting, and we have the crazy stories to prove it ...
P IS READING an article to me about how the pandemic has most likely changed NYC forever. People have moved away to second and third tier cities; favourite restaurants have closed for good, and buildings where 8,000 people once worked now have only 100 who are not working virtually and still come in everyday.
IF YOU ARE EVER searching for a way to change up a room quickly and with the most impact, try changing out the throw cushions. While we often use darker, warmer colours for the winter months, and lighter, airier ones for summertime, sometimes, in between seasons, changing up the cushion covers can change the look of a room dramatically, and with very little effort. Below, we've rounded up a few of our favourite ways to style throw cushions both at home and the office, from pairing elegant chintzes with seaside tones to black & white paired with pink velvet ...
It was P who discovered Chad Jackson, an architectural and interior design photographer working in the architectural, interior design and...