OUR LAST Weekend Links was published in early November 2024. Since then, we’ve shifted our focus to the Weekly Newsletter. If you’d like to catch up on our recent writing, you can read my in-depth reflections on the past year here.
WEEKEND LINKS was missed on Monday due to several factors: offline busy-ness, the start of another project, and most vexingly, major issues with the site’s backend that persisted for days.
THIS IS the time for fiery mid-September sunsets, which you might have caught a glimpse of in our Instagram Stories, along with a few snippets of the past days and weeks of autumn in London.
P WAS telling me about a terrible tragedy involving an uber-wealth couple who had it all. He was in real estate, and she was an lifestyle influencer who ran an Instagram account showcasing their vast wealth, traipsing between Manhattan and the Hamptons, and their home in Miami.
ON FRIDAY WE fit in all of summertime in a day. We pedaled to our favourite pub on the Thames and managed to find a much-coveted seat on the lower dock, right next to the water.
Explore our December discoveries, from museum wanderings to French château histories, perfume reviews to holiday mood boards—a curated collection of winter musings and festive inspirations.
P'S THIRD PLAYLIST was published this weekend, and I managed a quick late-night Sunday Letter, despite being caught up in a new project at the moment. Last week, I saw The Substance, a recently released film starring Demi Moore that left me unsettled and introspective.
LAST WEEK I was unable to send out the regular newsletter dispatch due to unforeseen circumstances. Instead, I sent a Sunday edition while remaining in a scenario not unlike a real-life version of Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Okay, I'm may be exaggerating a bit.
WE DID a survey at our Weekly Newsletter a while back and a longtime reader left a comment saying, “I began reading This is Glamorous back in 2009! It was everything a blog could be: glamorous, romantic, dreamy, and chic.
RECENTLY read an engaging book about the skin. In one particularly interesting section, the author described a colleague who had travelled to fashionable locations around the world to observe social behaviour.
TIME HAS a strange way of stretching and compressing these days. After missing last week's Weekend Links, it feels like an eternity has passed—the days bleeding into one another like mascara in the rain.
IT'S TURNED DARK and chilly and wet suddenly, and everywhere, I'm reading that September is everyone's favourite month. It's definitely not mine, but the closer we get to winter, the more I give in to the cosiness of the changing seasons and let myself begin looking forward to the holidays, which, amazingly, is less than three months away already.
LAST WEEK I came across a thought-provoking quote by David Cain about work: "But the 8-hour workday is too profitable for big business, not because of the amount of work people get done in eight hours ... but because it makes for such a purchase-happy public. Keeping free time scarce means people pay a lot more for convenience, gratification, and any other relief they can buy. It keeps them watching television, and its commercials. It keeps them unambitious outside of work."
Have you been watching the Olympics? We saw Nadal lose today, which was disappointing. While we haven't caught many events, we did watch the opening ceremonies on Friday night, which somehow feels like a million years ago now for some reason.
LAST WEEK, I read about a woman who left her life in New Orleans behind and bought a one-way ticket to Paris. She's been roaming France, Italy, and now Scotland for the past two years. Lately, I've been stumbling across quite a few stories of people ditching their usual lives to run away to Europe.