A SCHOOL FRIEND once remarked that I was good at seasons, and when I thought about it, I realised that she was right. I actually really do love to capture the feeling and moods of the changing seasons, the excitement that comes with arrival of the first snowdrops in winter, just as the days start to get longer, the way the sun's rays deepen in colour at sunset. And at the other end of the spectrum, when summer fades into autumn, we realise with the changing leaves and cosy evenings with their flickering firelight, that endings can be beautiful too. We learn, every autumn what it is to let go...
IT FELT STRANGE and wonderful to see fashion filling our social media feeds once again, after so much time away. Some shows were projected to our screens in the form of live video streams, some were artistic films, while others still were small live shows in front of Parisian audiences for the first time in ages. Fashion always makes us dream, which is a lovely thing during these uncertain times, and dream we did. Here are a few of our favourite settings, thoughts, and looks from the Fall 2021 haute couture season ...
Welcome to a special holiday edition of our Weekly Playlist. Pour yourself a glass of wine and take a seat by the fire and enjoy our carefully selected mix of melancholic winter-themed and Christmas tracks and reflect on the year gone by. Happy holidays! --P.F.M.