After years of attentive observation in my continuous quest for a natural, effortless Parisian look, I’ve come to realise everything starts with skincare. From make-up artists to international models, there is a place no one fails to stop by while in Paris: La Pharmacie.
When we talk and think about French interior design, many things come to mind: chandeliers, crown mouldings, chevrons floors and juliet balconies. This apartment, owned by a couple who have longed to lived in Paris for the past 30 years, has it all—in the classical sense, thanks to the designer Jean-Louis Deniot...
THIS WEEKEND was a working one, for after the celebrations and mid-day champagne, mango soufflé and blissful decadence of early last week, it was back...
THIS WEEK’S PHOTOGRAPHIC inspiration is every bit as fantastical as that of Karen Knorr‘s, especially the glimpses into the British Ambassador’s residence...