As the soft and sweet aroma of freshly baked golden waffle cones drifts from the open doors of a gelateria, one things is for certain, it is sure to stop one right in her tracks and detour for a few moments; stop in to perhaps order a “gelato affogato” [gelato with espresso poured on top], and be on one’s way again . . .
636 results for
take me away
What is it about the sea that calls us so? For reasons of insouciant living alone, surely, it beckons as...
From all around the world, millions of visitors long to take a trip to this incredible city — one that...
“Lavender is the soul of Provence”—Jean Giono Here, the sun’s balmy rays fall softly, beautifully on the gently curving hills...
According to Greek mythology, the beautiful island of Mykonos [/ˈmiːkənɒs/] was once the very scene of the mythical battle held...
Some say that Spring’s season brings about some of nature’s most magical beginnings, with abundant new life and beauty; and...

As you glide along in the sky, gazing out the window, just before landing, there is a pivotal moment of...
Last week, we shared a few favourite places in the city of lights & love, for those with dreams and...
At the very centre—the heart, soul and jewel of France, we find Paris . . . Paris in all of...
“The hat is not for the street: it will never be democratized. But there are certain houses that one cannot...
The second largest city in Spain, Barcelona has a history that dates back long, long ago—2000 years ago, in fact,...
Some say there is an indescribable magic and poetry in the very experience and effervescence—the way the delicious bubbles gracefully float within the flute, almost like a theatrical dance . . .
To bury one’s nose in a heavenly array of petals seems to overtake the mind and soul, almost instantaneously, like...