IT’S BEEN HAILED as a cultural phenomenon and at the moment, it’s all anyone can talk about. It’s ChatGPT, the language model created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial-intelligence company. We touched on the subject briefly before, but will take a more in-depth look today at the fastest-growing internet service ever (it reached 100 million users in January, just two months after its launch at the end of November 2022).
The trending topic of the week was a news article title stating that a store in Guangzhou, China made US$2.7 million in one day after it reopened following the coronavirus lockdown. Some sources are stating that it’s due to "revenge spending" which refers to a buying binge by shoppers emerging from lockdown, which could potentially resuscitate businesses that have been struggling since the outbreak of the coronavirus.
I USED TO joke with P that This Is Glamorous began as the musings of a girl in her underwear. While that may not be strictly true (sometimes I wore track pants), the casual work-from-home attire did not mean that I did not get things done.
All of France has been staying home since Monday. I know people who have not taken holidays or a day off in four or five years now, to keep their businesses afloat. Who knows how this crisis will affect them.
WAS REMARKING recently how one of my pet peeves is when people don't know the difference between its and it's. Bad spelling and grammar in general are annoying, but when people mix up its and it's, especially so. And in this age of social media everything ...
Discussing the topic of Instagram recently with friends and colleagues, I have come to the realisation that no matter how things are going to continue with the business side of the platform, for us, it will always be a place for creativity and for sharing the world through our own vision.
It’s a brand new year, and we’re excited to introduce a brand New Series: 5 Words to Learn this Month, where each month we find five beautiful words from any language, that you may or may not have heard before and present them with their sometimes poignant, sometimes insightful or even melancholic, sometimes even newly created (as in this first intalment), but always beautiful meanings. This month, the words are Venmödalen, Sonder, Liberosis, Nodus Tollens, Kenopsia and Opia. Click through to view …
It was a regular weekday morning, much like any other — coffee, perhaps a croissant while scrolling through our Instagram feed at the start of the workday, when we came across a post by Ramona @monalogue, a Blogger/Instagrammer from Somerset.
IN MID-MARCH we launched a new business series that has been a little less frequent than intended, for in that time, we also launched an actual new business as well. Many who follow along on Instagram might have caught the many glimpses of where most of the work here happens, either at a desk or on a laptop. Today, we’re working with HP to discuss the “tools of the trade”, or the things that make business run more smoothly.
I AM SOMEWHAT OF A PERFECTIONIST and prone to dissatisfaction with my own work until it’s perfect or as close to...
We had such a great response to the Five Books to Inspire Your Business & Life article, thought we would share...
We are often in the middle of one book or another, whether digital or actual. Here are five books that are full of great ideas and advice, and have helped us along the way. We hope they inspire your business, and life, as well. Click through the slides for the list, and on the titles for links. –P.
one – the shark tooth mirror /// two – acrylic stapler /// three – acrylic tape dispenser /// four –...