Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

WHEN WE LIVED in Edinburgh, the archway of the gate to our private gardens was covered in lilacs―the most wonderfully fragrant ones that filled the air and the entire street and added the loveliest dash of colour to the cloudy skies. P would often pick a few bunches for me for the coffee table and our place would be enveloped in the heady scent. It’s lilac season once again here in the UK, and while have long since moved away from that flat and its lilac-laden archway, there are many lilac trees along these English countryside roads to still fill the air with their romantic scent and remind us of old times…

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

Favourite Things: Late-Spring Lilacs

More Lilacs