10 Perfect Recipes for Summer Days to Autumn Nights

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01-Recipes | 16.08.15-This Is Glamorous

HAVE THIS HABIT of collecting perfectly pretty recipes that I never make — fanciful recipes such as Smoked Salmon Macarons and Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cake with Bourbon Caramel Frosting (sounds utterly spectacular, doesn’t it?). The reason why these recipes never the leave the confines of a computer screen is mostly due to lack of time, but also because my kitchen skills leave quite a lot to be desired. Here are 10 such recipes, with the exception of the Blueberry Coconut Chia Pudding Smoothie Bowl, which I can, and will make, perhaps even tomorrow morning . . . xR.

Above, recipe for Blueberry Coconut Chia Pudding Smoothie Bowl

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