LAST WEEK WE featured the Hudson Valley home of Deborah Needleman and while we were researching her place, we came across Villa Arniano on Needleman's Instagram: "Back from a week at the house of my dreams—the Tuscan idyll of @camillaguinness. Spent a few days with @jacobwe, @skyegyngell, @davidprior, @holly_gore and my daughter Lily Weisberg who doesn’t bother herself with social media, and then a few days with #camillaguinness, @amberguinness and @macmillandavidmb languorous, long summer days eating (really well) reading, chatting , swimming and napping. I was so blissed out I didn’t take any pictures, so these are lifted from Camilla and Amber’s Instagram as well from @arnianopaintingschool the week-long painting workshops Amber runs here with her friend @willropercurzon"
Already a week back home from holidays and buried in work and I am almost forgetting again how wonderful life is when you travel and you have adventures and discover new places.
Between new year's resolutions, new projects and new goals, wanted to share some photos from what is considered one of the most influential buildings in the world, situated in Piambino Dese, a town of 9,000 habitants, 19 miles northwest of Venice.
Dar Sinclair is the name of English model Jacquetta Wheeler's villa in Tangier, Morocco. Built by her great-grandfather, the architect Jack Sinclair, in 1926, Wheeler inherited the home with her younger sister, Charlotte, when their mother passed away suddenly in 2016. Their mother had inherited the place herself, when she was 19, and was in the midst of extensive renovations when she died ...
Cesira in Two Women, and Lucia Curio in It Started In Naples, Filumena Marturano in Marriage Italian-Style and Giovanna in Sunflower — Sophia Loren has been known by many names throughout her life and acting career, but she was known as ‘wife’, ‘soul mate’ and ‘great love’ to only one person: Carlo Ponti.