A FEW WEEKS ago we featured Villa Arniano, interior designer Camilla Guinness’s house in the Tuscan Hills, and by some wild coincidence we happened upon Zara Home's latest online catalogue, shot at this very place. It appears that they restyled everything, filling the rooms with their new product line-up and created these beautiful photos which make the villa look perhaps even lovelier...
LAST WEEK WE featured the Hudson Valley home of Deborah Needleman and while we were researching her place, we came across Villa Arniano on Needleman's Instagram: "Back from a week at the house of my dreams—the Tuscan idyll of @camillaguinness. Spent a few days with @jacobwe, @skyegyngell, @davidprior, @holly_gore and my daughter Lily Weisberg who doesn’t bother herself with social media, and then a few days with #camillaguinness, @amberguinness and @macmillandavidmb languorous, long summer days eating (really well) reading, chatting , swimming and napping. I was so blissed out I didn’t take any pictures, so these are lifted from Camilla and Amber’s Instagram as well from @arnianopaintingschool the week-long painting workshops Amber runs here with her friend @willropercurzon"