WE ARE FINALLY back with the fifth instalment of our popular series, Talking Points, after a very long hiatus, and this week, we’re looking at the concepts of core values, false ideals, and hyperreality.
WE ARE FINALLY back with the fourth instalment of our popular series, Talking Points, and before we delve into this edition’s topics, I should tell you that I began compiling this list way back in late December 2022...
IT’S BEEN HAILED as a cultural phenomenon and at the moment, it’s all anyone can talk about. It’s ChatGPT, the language model created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial-intelligence company. We touched on the subject briefly before, but will take a more in-depth look today at the fastest-growing internet service ever (it reached 100 million users in January, just two months after its launch at the end of November 2022).
WE ARE BACK with the second instalment of our new series, Talking Points, and in this edition, we’ll be looking at the relationship between the body and mind; the notion of Mass Fame, and the concept of temporal neutrality.
I try to read as many books as possible when I’m not working (currently it’s David Hume’s A Treatise of Human Nature), but a lot of the time, all I have time for are work-related articles. Many are a little on the dry side, but every once in a while, come across new topics or ideas that are really interesting or even enlightening.