[slideshow — if arriving from bloglovin, click here] THE DAYS HAVE BEEN WILDLY unpredictable lately—warm & sunny one moment, and...
From Marlene Dietrich’s top hat & tails in the 1930 film Morroco, to the headlines proclaiming “Garbo in pants!” whenever the Swedish actress was seen traipsing about on Hollywood Boulevard in trousers, women of the time were already, way back then, beginning to borrow pieces from their husbands’ closets.
IT IS THE HEIGHT of winter, and while not terribly cold by most standards, there is still enough of a chill that it...
DO YOU REMEMBER Victoria‘s beautiful post on ballerina style? Here is another take on the look, all festive and romantic...
Running around yesterday and didn’t have a chance to post, and while my New Year’s resolution to be better with e-mails is not getting off to a great start, my BlackBerry keeps happily buzzing away with new messages, which I love, despite the difficulty keeping up . . .
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