IT’S OFF TO OXFORDSHIRE first thing tomorrow morning, so this week’s interior design inspiration is filled with English countryside charm. Chelsea-based...
[slideshow — if arriving from bloglovin’, click here] The air is currently filled with the scent of jasmine, lilac and...
“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.” — this quote by Goethe was posted on the shop’s instagram...
TODAY’S DECOR INSPIRATION comes by way of Spain, Malaga, Andalusia, to be exact, where a bright & breezy manor beckons....
HAPPENED UPON THIS BEAUTIFUL palace in St. Petersburg in Russian Architectural Digest and immediately regretted not speaking a word of Russian,...
[slideshow — if arriving from bloglovin’, click here] DO YOU REMEMBER last week’s glimpse at Rach Parcell’s instagram? You may...
[slideshow — if arriving from bloglovin’, click here] IT SEEMS THAT everyone is talking about style blogger, Rach Parcell, of Pink Peonies lately, thanks...
THIS HOME, RECENTLY FEATURED on Architectural Digest España, reminds quite a bit of the work of Christine Dovey, for its heavy...
THIS WEEK’S INTERIOR DESIGN inspiration comes from South Africa, through the beautiful work of designer, Serena Crawford, who works internationally using local architects and builders....
ON LEGENDARY VINEYARD IN BORDEAUX sits a the faded gradeur of and 18th-century estate. Fallen to disrepair over the years of a rather...
ON FRIDAY NIGHT we spontaneously picked up a new firebowl from the hardware shop for late-summer city campfires in the garden, and had a fire that very night, talking the hours away by firelight.
[slideshow — if arriving from bloglovin’, click here] KITCHEN CUPBOARDS and pantry shelves, wicker baskets and drawers under stairways–here are...
Whether spring or summer or any time of year–worn as a festival headpiece, embellished on a couture dress train or...
AND WHILE ON THE TOPIC of the interior design work of Michelle Smith, yesterday we caught a glimpse of her...
TODAY’S INTERIOR INSPIRATION is the home of lawyer-turned-interior designer, Michelle Smith, who left a large law firm in New York City...