Notes from the Weekend

& this Week’s Links

Notes from the Weekend & this Week’s Links 09.09.24

FOR THE first time in a very long time, there were no Weekend Links last week. But there was a Sunday Letter, which explains why, and there was also a beautiful Autumn Mood Board to ease away these last days of summertime. The mornings now are crisp and there are already leaves on the ground. We visited a rose garden today that still had some roses, but they are fading, finishing, for another season. The saunter of summer is gone and on the city streets, people are hurried, moving more quickly in the September chill and to escape the rain. Once I’m reconciled with the fact that winter will come, I warm up to the idea a little and by November, I’m lighting candles, eating carbs and looking forward to the holidays. But we’re getting a ahead of ourselves and I’m not at that stage yet, for it’s still summer for two more weeks…

This week’s links include life advice from a 96 year old and the best bookshops in Europe; everyday beauty staples, wardrobe classics, and much, much more.


P.S. past weekend links

This Week's Links

Life advice from a 96 year old

• For autumn days: these blue jeans / this shirt / this jacket / these loafers

• The Best Bookshops in Europe

• Everyday beauty staples: this moisturiser & this lip balm

How many clothes do you actually need? There’s a magic number …

• Wardrobe classics: these blue jeans & these ankle boots

•  ‘Gut-Healing’ Probiotic Supplements Are Everywhere Right Now.

• For the weekend: this cashmere jumper & these straight-leg jeans

• The Art of Hosting: Whipped Butter

• Square toes for fall: shoes & boots