Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein

In the Details with Molly

Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein
Molly Blutstein

IT FEELS LIKE it’s been a long time since we’ve been able to find wonderful things to share with you organically. Google feels a bit broken and Instagram, our other source for inspiration, isn’t what it used to be. Happily, there’s still Tumblr, and now, perhaps Substack. It’s here, that we found Molly Blutstein, a content creator based in Atlanta, GA, whose fashion and interiors newsletter, In the Details with Molly, recently caught our attention. Blutstein, who holds a degree in Interior Design, has spent the last six years creating fashion content on Instagram. Her newsletter beautifully merges these interests in a great “Outfits & Interiors” series. We’ve curated some of our favourites here, but you can explore the full collection on Molly’s Substack. Scroll through for a glimpse of this creative and fun series.

Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein
Molly Blutstein
Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein
Molly Blutstein
Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein
Molly Blutstein
Outfits & Inspiration by Molly Blutstein
Molly Blutstein