THIS PAST WEEK, we were back in London, thinking it might be the last time in a long time again that we would be able to be out and about before another national lockdown. We were also there to celebrate the holidays and two anniversaries. When we were last here, it was May, and things were only tentatively opening up again. All the pubs and restaurants were outdoor seating only, which mean it was difficult to find a table without booking the good places in advance through an app. The weather was unseasonably rainy and cold and we wondered if it had been a good decision to come. We still had a wonderful time, of course, because we were together, but this time, it was completely different, as everything was open again. We ate Italian food in Marylebone and accidentally discovered a wine club housed in bare-brick vaults and lit by candlelight. It smelled damp as only cavernous vault-y places do and had its own dog, a Shih Tzu named Galahad. I told P that the only way this place could have been more pretentious was if it had been in a burned-out tenement. He laughed. There were shy couples on first dates and groups of co-workers having after-work drinks and it felt normal and nice to return to the way our lives had been before life as we knew it changed, perhaps forever. We visited famous Christmas trees (one decorated by Moët & Chandon) and skating rinks and found cosy corners in quiet pubs in Mayfair. Although we’d been expecting rain, the weather ended up being bright and sunny (even if a bit chilly) and we were able to bicycle through Hyde Park, past The Serpentine with its white swans and afternoon people in their puffy coats and woolly hats. It was good to take time away from work after the near-reclusive state that has been our lives for so long. Here are a few favourite photos of our time there…