{brand new at this is glamorous}



. . . and so, here at last, the most terribly exciting news . . .
laily-intro copy

. . . a very warm welcome to the amazingly talented, laily, who joins
{this is glamorous} from new york city, after more than two years with the united nations; laily will run a brand new feature called {favourite five}, be it five favourite flea markets from around the world, or the five best pieces of business advice ever received, each mini interview will provide a quick & fun look at inspirational figures in the worlds of design and fashion; there have been plans & dreams for a few months now, and laily, who has a perfectly wonderful way with people, has already landed some spectacular interviews, the first of which will be published next week . . .

{more about laily:}

* website: fleur du jour
* email: laily@thisisglamorous.com

{images: 1 & 2 — jake rosenberg for the coveteur}