THE BEAUTIFUL sunshine streaming through the windows is at odds with this morning's news of more shelling in Ukraine and a plane crash in China. Every night for the past week, I have been falling asleep to dreams of war. The nights are frenetic and uneasy, the mornings much more calm with lucid thoughts over coffee, at least until the news cycle begins again ...
THE BIO ON Deborah Needleman's Instagram page says, "Baskets, flowers, other people’s houses, the occasional dog, things like that". And for the most part, that's true, except that recently, she began posting images of her own home, a country house in Garrison, Upstate New York, which was published in Architectural Digest about a week ago, and we couldn't help but be absorbed with every last detail.
I AM NOT EXACTLY sure what it is that I am so drawn to in House & Garden columnist Rita Konig's farmhouse, other than the fact that it is in County Durham and that we are also currently living in the English countryside ...
Flipping through a few magazines last week over a morning coffee, and completely fell {along with everyone else} for Rita...