A Sense of Longing is Always the Sentiment in Mid-September
Charles Bowden once said, “Summertime is always the best of what might be.” Every year, around this time, after the initial excitement about the change in the air and the cosy-ness of hot coffee on crisp mornings begins to wear off, we’re left with a sense a longing, a feeling wistfulness for the bright, sun-drenched summer days we leave behind, the best of what might be. And so, in keeping with tradition and to ease the transition to shorter days and colder nights (no matter how much we adore tall boots and trench coats), we’re bidding summer the fondest farewell with a gorgeous sendoff of crashing waves and turquoise swimming pools, fluttery dresses and bronzed skin, picnics and rosé, striped umbrellas and the picturesque coasts of Capri…
P.S. Summertime in the archives
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