THE SECOND IN WHAT IS FAST BECOMING a new favourite series, here is this week’s compilation of things from lately & around the interwebs that are favourites at the moment . . .

The beautiful new stationery we are carrying at the shop — it has been a favourite of mine since forever, so it’s so very lovely to have the chance to share it with you!
BORDEAUX! If you have been following along on Instagram, you’ll know that we spent a week there recently — there will be a full travel article to come explaining why this French city is our new favourite . . .

“You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.” —Frank Lloyd Wright
This settee / via Velvet & Linen
Saint-Germain-des-Prés in Seacliff / Hand Covered Suede Notebooks in Windswept Bay / gold-tipped fountain pens / Parisian Social Stationery

CHANEL MOUSSE DOUCEUR Rinse-off Foaming Mousse Cleanser Balance Anti-Pollution // ESTEE LAUDER ‘Double Wear Light’ Stay-in-Place Makeup // LA MER The Lip Balm // ‘Double Wear’ Stay-in-Place Lip Pencil // AERIN Beauty ‘Rose Balm’ Lipstick // LA MER The Cleansing Foam // DIOR Miss Dior Eau de Parfum
Being home, white roses & coffee on Saturday mornings . . .
[Top image: @am_bitieuse]