As with so many of the greatest of romances, love and tragedy go hand-in-hand. Misfortune and heartbreak seem the cruelest of fates to bestow upon two people so completely in love, but perhaps the sign of a truly boundless love is one that survives the tribulation — and if anything — is stronger at the other side of it. A great love story.
The love story of Christopher & Dana Reeve is so fraught with tragedy, it is unfair; however, theirs is a love that only deepened from sorrow, and the difference they made in the world following their painful ordeal is incredible . . .
Christopher Reeve could only be described as extraordinary. Wonderfully talented at every activity he pursued, his mother once said in an interview about him: “He was endowed with a great many extraordinary talents. He had a wonderful mind, wide-ranging interests, a willingness to take risks. He was an athlete and scholar with a passion for acting, which began very, very early.”
From a young age, his aptitude was easily recognisable, and he had a big decision to make, as he could quite easily pursue a career in any field. When Christopher was 14 years old, Milton Lyon, the Artistic Director of the McCarter Theatre said to him, “Chris, you better decide what you want, because you’re going to get it.” It was then that he decided acting would be the path for him.
In some ways, his exceptional talent could be considered life imitating art, as Christopher’s most famous role was playing the supremely handsome man of steel himself, Superman, in 1978.

Above, from the film, Somewhere in Time (1980), with Jane Seymour
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