{places : beneath the camellia blossoms}

{places : beneath the camellia blossoms}
. . . just one look, and it’s plain to see that am surrounded by flowers, [mostly roses, and sometimes peonies], nearly everyday, and it’s no secret, the longstanding love affair there has been with blossoming trees — magnolias and cherry blossoms — and so, upon happening upon this image of a million camellias, fallen petals and all, could not help but be completely and utterly swept away . . .

r e c e n t p l a c e s :

* châteaux de la loire
* washington school house hotel
* hôtel plaza athénée, paris
* notting hill
* brooklyn botanical garden
* backstage at elie saab
* at the apple store, paris
* champagne aftertoon tea, the dorchester
* backstage at valentino
* at the gallery
* at the ballet
* at the greenbrier hotel
* in the kitchen
* at the salon
* at an oceanside cottage

[image: photography by adeline country cottage, via jelanie]