Storage Inspiration for the New Year

At Home

Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year

ARE YOU CLEANING and sorting and organising? We are. In fact, it’s all we’ve been doing for the past month and a week. This year, more than other new years, seems to bring out that desire to clear out and begin again. There are too many dongles for the too many tablets and phones and desktop screens, and books and magazines and old newspapers threaten to overtake wicker baskets and racks while framed artwork and photos lean against walls and remain unhung. Where did all these things come from? It feels like we have been ordering things online for the past three shut-in years and now it feels like it’s all too much. In an effort to make some sense of it all, we’ve gathered together a few images of storage inspiration―glass-front kitchen cupboards and open shelves in the living room, a built-in Ikea cabinet and beautiful bathroom storage…

Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
News 09.03.22 : Today’s Articles of Interest from Around the Internets
At Home: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Décor Inspiration: Storage Inspiration for the New Year
Designer Lino Schenal, 1973 / photo by Carla de Benedetti

...and just for fun

‘The Sculpted Home’ created by Italian architect and artist Lino Schenal in Rome in 1973. Schenal carved styrofoam into kitchen utensil-shaped niches, and in other parts of the house, created functional sculptures using the same material.