Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more

Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@maryleest in Rome, Italy | via @dana_chels
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@rianne.meijer in Amalfi, Italy

About a month ago, we featured chic touristy photographs of Paris, and it was so very well received, that for this instalment of  Weekday Wanderlust, we’re bringing you more chic tourist shots by Instagram, this time from  Sicily and Zurich to Paris and Milan, Amsterdam, Amalfi, Zurich and Verona, Capri, Mykonos, and beautiful Venice …

Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@xeniaoverdose in Paris, France
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@leoniehanne in Paris, France
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@rianne.meijer in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@collagevintage in Rome, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@collagevintage in Rome, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@entre_dois in Zurich, Switzerland
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more in Rome, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@makelifeeasier_pl in Rome, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@xeniaoverdose in Sicily
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & moreWeekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@entre_dois in Verona, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@entre_dois in Zurich, Switzerland
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@tezzamb in Miami, Florida
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@xeniaoverdose in Milan, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@xeniaoverdose in Sicilia, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@rianne.meijer in Capri, Italy
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@leoniehanne in Mykonos, Greece
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@leoniehanne in London, United Kingom
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@rianne.meijer in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Weekday Wanderlust: Chic Tourist Shots of Sicily, Zurich, Paris, Milan & more
@leoniehanne in Venice, Italy

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